These two people have been ill by themselves, and they noticed they could really use some more help, during their illness and rehabilation. The demand for care is huge, bigger than the group op healthproffesionals. Another problem is the low budget for care in the Netherlands
What is it?
You can ask and offer here your help. This is an example of how Caire works:
''Els is a single mother with breast cancer. She has a problem, because tomorrow she has to go to the hospital for her fourth chemotherapy treatment, but she hasn't any form of transportation.
''Els' friend told her . Els decided to register to try to solve the problem.
Els is now using the social network to demand for transport. Els can choose who can see the questation. For instance, only friends of family or people in the neighborhood. Or everyone who registered on Caire.''
Els is now using the social network to demand for transport. Els can choose who can see the questation. For instance, only friends of family or people in the neighborhood. Or everyone who registered on Caire.''
''Joop is retired and he wants to do something for the society, occassinally and not on a regular base.
Joop also decided to apply . Joop loves driving and he indicates that he would like to help people who need transportation.''
Joop also decided to apply . Joop loves driving and he indicates that he would like to help people who need transportation.''
''Joop is retired and do not mind occasionally do something for society, but not on regular basis. He also has logged on Jake loves driving and indicates that he would like to help people who need transportation.''
''Caire liks patients and helpers. And so, Joop and Els linked. Both of them receive an message automatically. They can indicate whether they agree this service. Once that's done, Joop is ready to take Els to the hospital.''
The people who gives the help get a reward. The patient may give the caregiver star rating. With that system others users of Caire can see the good experiences from the pratient. The caregiver also receives flags in exchange for his help, with this flags he can get discount on his health insurance for example.
The people who gives the help get a reward. The patient may give the caregiver star rating. With that system others users of Caire can see the good experiences from the pratient. The caregiver also receives flags in exchange for his help, with this flags he can get discount on his health insurance for example.
Why is it cool?
I think this is very unique, because it's a big network of help askers and givers all over the Netherlands. The patient don't have to worry if the caregiver really wants to help him, otherwise he had not offered his help to Caire. Caregivers can do something for the society, in their own spare time.
I think it's very cool that their is something developed in our society, trough Web 2.0 (social media), where help can me exchanged. So, the social network even has affect on people's health.
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